Koh Phangan – more than just the Full Moon Party!

Koh Phangan is a island in the middle between Koh Samui and Koh Tao in the Gulf of Thailand. I came here mainly for one reason: Daily diving trips to Sail Rock – the most beautiful diving spot in the Gulf of Thailand!

But besides diving Koh Phangnan invites to relax at the sandy beaches in the south, explore the small bays along the west coast side or visit one of the plenty waterfalls inland.

(27.-30.08.16), GPS

I was diving at the Sail Rock and the day before a whale shark was sighted there – as the Captain on the way to dive site confirmed that a whale shark has been sighted there today everyone was extremely excited!
And what could be more impressive than the biggest fish swimming along over you in 20 meters depth? Beautiful and totally peaceful animals that don’t mind all the snorkellers swimming around them while they are feeding at the surface. And we even had the luck to all two whale sharks that day and how often does it happen that the Dive Instructor tells you: “Watch out you don’t jump on the whale shark when going into the water.”

Otherwise I was cross with the bike and cross the road on the island, the great view of the streets enjoying or to simply lie on one of the beaches in the sun.

Overall Koh Phangan is definitely quieter than Koh Tao (at least around the full moon party when suddenly 30,000 people are partying at Mae Haad Beach) and you can get away from the tourist crowds.

If you are there you should try the food at Pantip Food Night Market in Thong Sala, very good food small money and fruit shakes for 30 THB!

Greetings from Malysia

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